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HomeContent MarketingBoost Conversion Rates with Video Content Marketing: 7 Tips and Examples

Boost Conversion Rates with Video Content Marketing: 7 Tips and Examples

Video content marketing has become an essential strategy for boosting conversion rates in recent years. As video engagement rises across platforms like YouTube and Facebook, integrating video into your marketing can significantly impact your bottom line.

In this post, we’ll explore how video content marketing can increase conversions and provide 7 tips for creating effective videos, along with real-world examples.

But before we dive into the magic, let’s answer the fundamental question:

What is Video Content Marketing?

In essence, it’s the strategic creation and distribution of video content to achieve specific marketing goals, primarily increasing conversions. This can involve various video formats like explainer videos, product demos, customer testimonials, social media shorts, and live streams. Essentially, anything that uses moving images and sound to convey your message and engage your audience falls under this umbrella.

Boost Conversion Rates with Video Content Marketing:

Video is dominating today’s digital landscape. Cisco predicts that 82% of all consumer internet traffic will be video by 2022. With platforms like Facebook and YouTube prioritizing video in feeds and searches, video content marketing presents a major opportunity for brands looking to increase conversions.

Here are some key statistics on how video boosts conversions:

  • 70% of marketers say video conversion rates outperform other content types (Wyzowl)
  • 72% of businesses say video has improved conversion rates (Animoto)
  • Landing pages with videos have conversion rates up to 80% higher than those without video (Unbounce)

It’s clear that integrating video content marketing into your strategy can significantly impact conversions. Follow these seven tips and real-world examples to get started:

1. Optimize for Different Stages of the Funnel

Videos can influence consumers at each stage of the marketing funnel. Tailor your video strategy to target users based on where they are in their buyer’s journey:

  • Awareness: Entertaining or educational top-of-funnel videos increase brand awareness and introduce products. Example: Patagonia’s environmental protection shorts film.
  • Consideration: Product demos and customer testimonials nudge leads closer to a purchase decision. Example: Slack’s product capability videos.
  • Conversion: targeted promo videos and demos with clear CTAs convince users to convert. Example: SaaS company demo videos with sign-up links.

2. Optimize Videos for Search

Ranking high in search results can steer qualified traffic to your videos. Include relevant keywords in titles, descriptions, captions, and file names. YouTube even enables you to include a searchable transcript.

For example, Unbounce created a video titled “What is a Landing Page?” to rank for that keyword term. This video ranks #2 in Google search results.

3. Leverage Interactive Video

Interactive video elements like clickable CTAs, quizzes, and links within a video boost engagement. For example, when fashion brand Missguided added poll cards to their product videos, click-through rates increased by 347%.

Tools like Rapt Media and Wirewax enable you to add interactive overlays and customize call-to-action buttons to direct viewers, increasing potential conversions.

4. Promote Video Content

Creating amazing video content isn’t enough – you need to promote it to get it in front of your audience. Leverage social media ads, organic posting, email marketing, and influencer partnerships to distribute videos widely.

For example, Dollar Shave Club gained massive exposure and 12,000 signups in 2 days by going viral with their funny marketing video. The key is getting videos seen by as many potential customers as possible.

5. Personalize Videos

Adding personalization elements to videos can boost perceived relevance. This could include using the viewer’s name, customizing based on location or interests, or enabling personalized product or content recommendations.

For example, customized video messaging service Wistia Videos generates higher click-through rates by incorporating personalized calls-to-action using visitor names and data.

6. Embed Video on Landing Pages

Including videos on landing pages and sales or signup flows can lift conversions. Unbounce increased conversions by up to 80% on landing pages that included video.

For example, Dropbox embedded a demo video on their signup page to show new users product benefits before asking them to complete registration. This simple addition lifted conversion rates significantly.

7. Test and Refine Your Approach

Continuously test and refine your video content marketing approach over time. Experiment with video length, style, CTAs, thumbnail images, promotion tactics, and more to see what resonates best with your audience per video.

Track performance metrics like click-through rates, completion rates, conversions generated, and ROI to guide optimization. Refine top-performing video content types and phase out less effective ones.

For example, furniture brand Article saw 300% more contacts from videos when they A/B tested video length and found 60-90 sec videos outperformed 30-sec videos.

Ready to Put Video to Work?

Here are some actionable tips to get started:

  • Identify your target audience and their needs. What kind of video content would resonate with them?
  • Define your conversion goals. Are you aiming for increased sales, sign-ups, or brand awareness?
  • Choose the right video format. Explainer videos, product demos, customer testimonials, and social media shorts are all popular options.
  • Keep it short and sweet. Attention spans are limited, so aim for videos under 2 minutes.
  • Focus on high-quality audio and visuals. Even with a small budget, you can create professional-looking videos using online tools and resources.
  • Include a clear call to action (CTA). Tell viewers what you want them to do next, whether it’s visiting your website, subscribing to your channel, or making a purchase.
  • Promote your videos across multiple channels. Share them on your website, social media, email marketing, and paid advertising campaigns.
  • Track your results and analyze data. See what’s working and what’s not, and adapt your strategy accordingly.

The Key Is Consistency

While individual videos can produce spikes, the key is publishing great videos consistently over time. Build a powerful library of video content across the funnel to influence potential customers throughout their buyer’s journey.

Video marketing today is extremely cost-effective. With a smartphone and free editing apps, small businesses can implement advanced video strategies that level the playing field against bigger brands.

Consistently publishing valuable and engaging videos optimized for conversions will separate you from competitors still relying solely on written content. Video marketing is a proven way to boost conversions, so the sooner you make it an integrated part of your strategy, the better.

At Pingtalks, we offer a wealth of marketing tips and resources to help businesses succeed online. From SEO and content strategies to social media and video marketing, explore our website for the latest techniques to boost your conversion rates. Join our community of marketers and entrepreneurs to stay up-to-date on digital marketing best practices. Let’s work together to take your business to the next level!


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